Friday, 4 March 2016

National Conference on Computational and Mathematical Sciences (COMPUTATIA-V) : IJSRD


on Computational and Mathematical Sciences

(March 18th & 19th, 2016)

The Conference proposes to bring together experts, researchers, faculties, students and the leaders of industries for sharing their knowledge and expertise in the field related to Computer and Mathematical Sciences.
We have successfully organized four National Conferences named “COMPUTATIA” since 2011. Following that this year also we are organizing COMPUTATIA-V “Two Days National Conference on Computational and Mathematical Sciences” on March 18th-19th, 2016.
Authors are requested to submit their abstracts in MS WORD file format at email-id: on or before 9th March, 2016.
The Selected Papers will be published in IJSRD (International Journal for Scientific Research and Development) having ISSN (online): 2321-0613 and Impact Factor: 2.39
Brochure front page
Brochure reverse side

Click to Download Registration Form

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

“Habitat Conclave 2016” | IJSRD

“Habitat Conclave 2016”
Youth Conclave
Paper presentation on
“Smart & Sustainable City”
In association with
IJSRD – International Journal for Scientific Research & Development

Gujarat Institute of Civil Engineers & Architects (GICEA)is organizing 4-dayevent named “Habitat Conclave 2016”on 18th-21st February 2016.Under Youth Conclave Paper Presentation on Smart & Sustainable city is being managed by IJSRD.This event aims to cover the recent trends of research in the field of "Smart & Sustainable City".
Interested participants/Authors can prepare a paper/article showing their idea in the well managed format. They have to submit their article here. Innovative ideas will be selected and participants will be called for presentation during event.
Researchers working on Smart & Sustainable City development can submit their papers under following themes but not limited to.

  1. Culture &heritage of Smart city                         
  2. Green building and Smart Cities
  3. Sustainable cities issues & solutions
  4. Urban trends in Smart City Planning
  5. Sustainable Smart Tourism
  6. Urban Infrastructure issues and solutions
  7. Sustainable Urban Environmental Design
  8. Smart Urban Transportation Planning
  9. National & Individual needs in smart cities
  10. Smart, Urban, Congestion free Sustainable Mobility

Click here to download information brochure

Organized by,

Gujarat Institute of Civil Engineers & Architects
Nirman Bhavan, Opp. Law Garden, Ellisbridge, 
Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India - 380006.

Youth Conclave Paper presentation Partner

International Journal for Scientific Research & Development 

Website :

Friday, 29 January 2016

IoT for Everyday Life

IJSRD || National Conference on ICT & IoT || January 2016

IJSRD Found one good research work in Topic of "Internet of Thing" of computer engineering research area.Which is most useful for scholar students.

Madhavi Dave , Institute of Information & Communication Technology, Indus University, Ahmedabad.

Virtual Private Network (VPN), CoAP, XMPP server

In today's emerging world of Internet, each and every thing is supposed to be in connected mode with the help of billions of smart devices. By connecting all the devises used in our day to day life, make our life trouble less and easy. We are incorporated in a world where we are used to have smart phones, smart cars, smart gadgets, smart homes and smart cities. Different institutes and researchers are working for creating a smart world for us but real question which we need to emphasis on is how to make dumb devises talk with uncommon hardware and communication technology. For the same what kind of mechanism to use with various protocols and less human interaction. The purpose is to provide the key area for application of IoT and a platform on which various devices having different mechanism and protocols can communicate with an integrated architecture.

As being the global network, IoT need to connect actual and virtual devises with efficient data sharing method, secured datastorage using cloud computing and robust inter network connectivity. Iot is responsible to connect millions of objects (things) which can impact major factors like healthcare, home, security, utility and appliances, communication, business, transportation, education, government, science, humanity, retail and emergency services.

For full length article Click Here....