Friday, 29 August 2014 VOL 2 | Issue 7

Welcome to
Call for Paper
Volume 2|Issue 7|Sept. 2014
IJSRD is a leading e-journal, under which we are encouraging and exploring newer ideas of current trends in Engineering and Science by publishing papers containing pure knowledge. The Journal is started with noble effort to help the researchers in their work and also to share knowledge and research ideas. All research interested scholars are given best opportunity to make world aware of their work. With precise and analytical narration of knowledge by our reviewers, our journal is providing implemental economy and latest global transposition to research. This monthly journal is mainly started to help researching peers belongs to Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Research students.We publish original and high quality papers. We aim to cover the latest outstanding development in the fields of Engineering and Technologies. All the published papers are submitted to the major indexing services for indexing.


  • IJSRD is an Open-Access peer reviewed International Journal
  • Exhaustive list of executive board members who were invited from all the Colleges , Universities and research organization
  • Research scholar can download any article from the website for free of cost
  • Research scholar can submit the manuscript online
  • Research scholar can check the status of paper online.
  • Simple steps for publication of research articles and review articles
  • Authors can refer the statistics for each article downloaded.
  • IJSRD is Open access journal for high indexing and promotion of your published papers
  • IJSRD promotes "Go Green" by providing e-publication of research paper
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Thursday, 21 August 2014

#IJSRD Computational Modeling and Docking for H1N1virsus using Bioinformatics

Computational Modeling and Docking for  H1N1virsus using Bioinformatics

Abstract--- This  research work will be carried out using the retrieval of H1N1virsus  Hemagglutinin protein   sequence of Influenza A virus[AEN79399] in FASTA format, these sequence are retrieve from the NCBI database that have unknown structure. The aim of present study was to carry out the computational modeling study of the mentioned protein sequence using 3DJigsawn protein comparative modeling server, Verify-3D structure evaluation server, CHIMERA. Validation process done by Verify3D analyzes, the compatibility of an atomic model (3D) with its own amino acid sequence (1D).Collect all the results for possible Ligand/drug candidate finding in-silico. The last step is Docking study for H1N1 protein with Tamiflu (possible Ligand) that help for finding a correct medicine.

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Monday, 18 August 2014

#IJSRD CFD Simulation of Compact Type Mini Channel Heat Exchanger by Using of Water


CFD Simulation of Compact Type Mini Channel Heat Exchanger by Using of Water

Abstract—A heat exchanger is a device that is used to transfer thermal energy (enthalpy) between two or more fluids, between a solid surface and a fluid, or between solid particulates and a fluid, at different temperatures and in thermal contact. In the conventional heat exchangers, pipes are larger in size which makes heat exchanger bulky. But in some typical applications such as closed loop gas turbine heat exchangers, cryogenic applications, heat exchangers used in PWR power plants, nuclear submarines, etc., size and weight are critical design constraints on the heat exchanger. Also for high pressure applications tubes are subjected to high bending stresses. To overcome these difficulties, compact heat exchangers can be employed. Mini channels heat exchanger is a type of compact heat exchanger in which mini channels are machined on metal plates and then such plates are bonded together. Such an arrangement provides high strength so that it can be used for high pressure applications. It has been observed that in mini channels, convective heat transfer coefficient is more than the tubes used in conventional heat exchangers. Hence, the length for same heat transfer is greatly reduced which results in reduced overall size and weight of the heat exchanger. Electronic device are in heavy demand for computer processor applications and generate large amount of heat. These high power device can be cooled off very effectively by either liquid or gas coolant flowing through micro or mini channels. Continuous research work is ongoing for developing high speed processor which generate high amount of heat. Cooling of such particular systems requires high amount of mass flow rate and compactness is also required. In present work, a mini channel heat exchanger is designed with assuming inlet and outlet of hot temperature, inlet of cold water temperature and also the mass flow rates of cold and hot water. This compact heat exchanger can be used for cooling purpose of electronics device like silicon chip which would be used for microprocessor. In order to cool down silicon chip, it is kept in place of hot fluid plate. Cooling of silicon chip is required to prevent from damage and subsequently failure. The heat exchanger is designed for obtaining 10°C of hot fluid. 

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Friday, 15 August 2014

#IJSRD Optimization of Machining Parameters in CNC Turning Using Firefly Algorithm


Optimization of Machining Parameters in CNC Turning Using Firefly Algorithm

Abstract— now a day’s machining is done through various automated machines. One of the widely used machines is CNC. Even though the automated machines are used, the quality of the work is determined by parameters used. The cutting parameters of the CNC machine determine the productivity, surface finish, machining time and other qualities of the product. This study involves the optimization of those cutting parameters. In order to get optimized CNC parameters for a specific tool-work combination, Firefly Algorithm (FA) is used to compute the best parameters based on the experiments conducted on a CNC Turning center. The three cutting parameters are cutting speed (V), feed (f), and depth of cut (d). The practical constraints have been considered during both practical and experimental approaches.  The result reveals that FA is very well suited in solving parameters selection problems. 
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Tuesday, 12 August 2014

#IJSRD : Android version history



The version history of the Android mobile operating system began with the release of the Android beta in November 2007. The first commercial version, Android 1.0, was released in September 2008. Android is under ongoing development by Google and the Open Handset Alliance (OHA), and has seen a number of updates to its base operating system since its initia
l release.
Since April 2009, Android versions have been developed under a confectionery-themed code name and released in alphabetical order; the exceptions are versions 1.0 and 1.1:
  • Android alpha (1.0)
  • Android beta (1.1)
  • Cupcake (1.5)
  • Doughnut (1.6)
  • Eclair (2.0–2.1)
  • Froyo (2.2–2.2.3)
  • Gingerbread (2.3–2.3.7)
  • Honeycomb (3.0–3.2.6)
  • Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0–4.0.4)
  • Jelly Bean (4.1–4.3.1)
  • KitKat (4.4–4.4.4)
  • "L" release (developer preview)

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NOW let us  KNOW that WHAT IS IJSRD?

IJSRD is an India’s leading open access e-journal for all kinds of science, engineering & technologies manuscript. We publish original and high quality papers.
International Journal for Scientific Research & Development (IJSRD) is one of the leading e-journals which offers new ideas of current trends in Engineering and Science through published research papers with authentic data and pure knowledge. This online journal in the internet space is made available for all interested research scholars who look forward to showcase and share their work with their peer groups and others working in the same space across the globe.
At IJSRD, an exhaustive list of executive board members is available who were invited from a wide range of colleges, universities and research organizations to supervise the content. This online journal has proven to be extremely helpful for scholars and research students who call for research papers in their undergraduate, post graduate and higher levels of education. The original and supreme quality research papers that are uploaded and submitted in IJSRD are aimed at providing an outstanding all-round development to the students and research scholars in the field of Engineering and Technologies.
IJSRD is a monthly journal, publishes one issue per month. The precise and analytical narration of knowledge given by the reviewers in the journals make them more credible.IJSRD, touted as one of the premium online destinations for Journal of Science, has received about 3,424 papers and has about 5109 authors. The total number of accepted papers is 1196 till date.
IJSRD is easy to use and an open access peer reviewed International Journal wherein the research scholars are given the opportunity of downloading any relevant article or research paper from the website free of cost. These scholars are also allowed to submit their research papers online and generate an e-certificate online at any given point of time. One of the major highlights is that of referring to the statistics for each of the authored articles and papers and checking the status of the paper submitted online.
For further details call us on +918866191212 or IJSRD can be contacted at
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Monday, 11 August 2014

#Ijsrd : Influence of Metal Temperature on Strength of Rolled Steel Product

#Ijsrd :
Influence of Metal Temperature on Strength of Rolled Steel Product

Abstract—Rolling is extensively used metal forming process. Almost 90% of cast iron or steel products pass through rolling process at least once in its life cycle. Rolling products are most extensively used in daily life. Use of these products can be seen in bridges, towers, leaf springs, boilers, constructional structural parts and also in daily life products like knives pipes etc. In today’s era, quality of products is one of most important factor considered for its use. Quality of a product can either be controlled or improved by changing in composition or by using heat treatment processes.  In rolling products composition is not only the factor which improve the quality of product but temperature plays a vital role in maintaining and improving quality. By changing temperature of rolling we can change grain structure and its mechanical properties without changing its composition.

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Saturday, 9 August 2014

#IJSRD An Automatic CAN or Plastic Bottle Crusher Machine

An Automatic CAN or Plastic Bottle Crusher Machine

Abstract :

Crushers are major size reduction equipment used in mechanical and allied industries which crushes different types of soft and hard materials. The can or bottle crusher machine is widely used in beverage industries or in scrap dealers shop (Bhangarwala) to reduce the volume of the cans/bottles solely to increase the transportation volume and thus to reduce the transportation cost. Hence in this design and analysis of various parts are necessary. This paper focuses on review of a work carried out by researchers on analysis and design of various parts due to which the design quality of that parts will be improved. There are so many researchers who have done work on design and analysis, but still there are so many areas of scope regarding this design and analysis. The Electric Motor and a microcontroller make up the backbone for this project. Overall, this project involves processes like design, fabrication and assembling procedures. Even though there are many types of the can crusher machine in the market, the completion of this new model provides a more practical usage than previous one.

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#IJSRD An Automatic CAN or Plastic Bottle Crusher Machine

An Automatic CAN or Plastic Bottle Crusher Machine

Abstract :

Crushers are major size reduction equipment used in mechanical and allied industries which crushes different types of soft and hard materials. The can or bottle crusher machine is widely used in beverage industries or in scrap dealers shop (Bhangarwala) to reduce the volume of the cans/bottles solely to increase the transportation volume and thus to reduce the transportation cost. Hence in this design and analysis of various parts are necessary. This paper focuses on review of a work carried out by researchers on analysis and design of various parts due to which the design quality of that parts will be improved. There are so many researchers who have done work on design and analysis, but still there are so many areas of scope regarding this design and analysis. The Electric Motor and a microcontroller make up the backbone for this project. Overall, this project involves processes like design, fabrication and assembling procedures. Even though there are many types of the can crusher machine in the market, the completion of this new model provides a more practical usage than previous one.

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Thursday, 7 August 2014

#Ijsrd Performance of Multiple symbol representation with clipping scheme for PAPR reduction in OFDM systems


Performance of Multiple symbol representation with clipping scheme for PAPR reduction in OFDM systems

Abstract :

OFDM is one of the multicarrier modulation technique used in various communication systems. The major problem one faces while implementing this system is the high peak to average power .For an efficient OFDM system this PAPR should be low. In this paper a hybrid PAPR (peak to average power ratio) reduction technique for the OFDM (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) signal which combines a multiple symbol representations method with a signal clipping method is proposed. In multiple symbol representations alternative signaling points are used to represent one symbol and PAPR is further reduced with the clipping scheme. The performance of the hybrid scheme is compared with the partial transmit sequence which is one of the other PAPR reduction scheme. In partial transmit sequence the input data is divided in to disjoint blocks transformed in to time domain sequence and rotated by phase factors. Theoretical analysis and simulation results validate that the proposed scheme has the ability to provide large PAPR reduction, low bit error rate. Performance analysis is also done with the partial transmit sequence scheme.

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Wednesday, 6 August 2014

#IJSRD Simplified Ipad Ordering System For Hotels

Simplified Ipad Ordering System For Hotels
Abstract :
Simplified Ipad Ordering System for Hotels is an IPad application based project. It will give restaurant customers access to menus of food items organized in categories. Customer will have quick access to menus of food and other items with simple navigation, up or down swipes to vertically scroll through food and other items. This application can be used in two ways. Customer also can access to the ipad or else the hotel waiter can serve over several tables with a single ipad. Once the order is done, the push message will be sent to the kitchen POS (point of sales). A push notification will be appear in the monitor available in the kitchen. The push message contains table no, list of item with needed ingredients. Customer can order multiple numbers of items with their choices. The ordered items contains item id, item quantity, table no, date & time and device id. It can overcome the human error while taking the order. The application have search bar option which helps the customer to search and select the items. Search bar makes easy of access to the needed items fast. Customers also can add the several items to their favorite block. Even feedback, like, unlike, email and printing options are available.
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IJSRD is an India’s leading open access e-journal for all kinds of science, engineering & technologies manuscript. We publish original and high quality papers.
International Journal for Scientific Research & Development (IJSRD) is one of the leading e-journals which offers new ideas of current trends in Engineering and Science through published research papers with authentic data and pure knowledge. This online journal in the internet space is made available for all interested research scholars who look forward to showcase and share their work with their peer groups and others working in the same space across the globe.
At IJSRD, an exhaustive list of executive board members is available who were invited from a wide range of colleges, universities and research organizations to supervise the content. This online journal has proven to be extremely helpful for scholars and research students who call for research papers in their undergraduate, post graduate and higher levels of education. The original and supreme quality research papers that are uploaded and submitted in IJSRD are aimed at providing an outstanding all-round development to the students and research scholars in the field of Engineering and Technologies.
IJSRD is a monthly journal, publishes one issue per month. The precise and analytical narration of knowledge given by the reviewers in the journals make them more credible.IJSRD, touted as one of the premium online destinations for Journal of Science, has received about 3,424 papers and has about 5109 authors. The total number of accepted papers is 1196 till date.
IJSRD is easy to use and an open access peer reviewed International Journal wherein the research scholars are given the opportunity of downloading any relevant article or research paper from the website free of cost. These scholars are also allowed to submit their research papers online and generate an e-certificate online at any given point of time. One of the major highlights is that of referring to the statistics for each of the authored articles and papers and checking the status of the paper submitted online.
For further details call us on +918866191212 or IJSRD can be contacted at
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